At the start of April 2020, Launceston City Council (LCC) announced a range of initiatives including grants to help local businesses cope with the effects of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

The Community Care and Recovery Grant Programis designed to support eligible businesses and organisations within the Launceston municipality whom have been impacted by COVID-19, including grants to access professional online mentoring and services to adapt their business practices to the changing environment.

The professional online mentoring is aimed at providing support for businesses to access online business/e-services and marketing advice from a panel of approved providers selected by the LCC.

We are very proud to announce at+m marketing was selected as a provider in this program, and we look forward to helping local businesses adapt their marketing strategies and business activity, not only to persist in spite of COVID-19, but to innovate and find ways to adjust their businesses to thrive in the changed environment.

While the LCC have now closed both their Level 1 & 2 grants for applications due to an overwhelming number of applicants, we have our sleeves rolled up ready to help our local Launceston businesses get through these trying times.

If you missed out on making a grant application yourself, keep an eye on this article, as we will update it with any changes communicated by the LCC. At this point, they have mentioned applications may reopen pending budget availability, and when they do, we will collect all the information you need here to make your own application.

Alternatively, the LCC is also encouraging local businesses to access the state-funded Digital Ready program, which provides 2 hours of free marketing mentoring from experienced consultants.

What if I can’t get a grant?

Even if you missed out on a grant, at+m can still help. We can provide assistance for businesses to adapt to the changing environment and work to come out stronger on the other side.

Our team of digital marketing experts can help to build you a strategy to respond to the environment and come out stronger on the other side. We provide various digital marketing services, including social media marketing, website development, Google Ads, search engine optimisation, email marketing, and more.

Contact us today for your free consultation.