Are you having trouble engaging with your Facebook fans and wondering how you can generate more interaction with your Facebook posts?

Facebook’s algorithms now mean that the more likes, comments and shares you have on your page posts, the more likely your Facebook content will actually be seen by others.

There are some short and simple ways to achieve optimal Facebook reach, one of which is through Content Marketing! Content is currently a massive focus in the business and marketing realms. It is vital that your business produces engaging content in order to ensure it reaches them and a wider audience.  

          – Value-adding Content

Put yourself in the shoes of your target market and create content that will fulfil their wants, needs and values. It is important that this is “on brand” and relevant to the industry you operate in. However, it’s great to think a bit outside the box! For example, if your business operates in the retail industry you might choose to share a tutorial on ‘How to style an outfit’!

          – Dabble in Video Content

As videos have 135% greater organic reach than photos, this is a great way to ensure your content will more likely reach people within your target market. It is important that all video content is professional and of a relatively high quality, as once it’s out there it will become a means of judging your business.

          – Create Shareable Content

A great strategy is to create content that your target market will feel compelled to share. This could be seen through original blogs and quoted images with your logo/ brand name on it. The benefit of this is that for every fan that shares your content, this will expose your page to their Facebook friends and potentially attract more like-minded fans.

          – Mix Up Content Types

Including a variety of content is vital to keeping your fans interested. For example, a mix of photos, videos and blog content, from a variety of different topics.  When there is an over tendency to share the same type of content, this can lead to fans disengaging with your content. Once Facebook sees this, they will be less likely to show that fan your posts again.

          – Tell a Story

There is more to your business than your products and services! So a great strategy can be letting your fans in on the inner workings of your business, for example how you first came into operation. This humanises your brand and allows fans to connect with you on a deeper level.

          – Change Up Your Posting Time

Each week your fans will be engaging on Facebook at different times/ days. You should be constantly evolving your practices and adjust them to allow for these changes in behaviour. A great way to do this is through your Facebook “insights” section which will show you when your fans were most active over the past week.

Providing quality, value-adding content is what we like to call “inbound marketing”. Inbound marketing focuses on earning, not buying, a person’s attention, which is done through social media and engaging content through your website. If your content is interesting, informative and adds value, this will create a positive relationship with perspective consumers, making them more likely to engage with your brand and buy your products or services.

So give your fans content they can’t help but engage with, and then watch the resulting impact!

If you have any questions regarding content development and content marketing, please give us a call on 1800 356 164 or email

We provide a range of content development services and would be happy to meet with you to discuss how we can help your business engage with your target market through content marketing!