The Brief
Understanding that motivation to change a bad habit takes far more than just simply education alone. Tasmania’s Cradle Coast Authority faced an ever growing challenge to effectively encourage their community of the Northern and North West Coast to begin to employ good ethics, placing the correct rubbish in the appropriate recycling bins. This was to be achieved not by scaring or scathing but by making people feel good about themselves and their actions.
The Approach
We proposed a concept where people would say, "Now there's a good sort by sorting their rubbish". It stood for a lot of things, for one Start, Organise, Recycle, Think. A simple message that educates as much as rewards through a committed brand awareness campaign including 4 TV Commercials designed to retain a consistent, engaging, loud and clear message appealing to local communities.
The Results
Now considering the amount of waste placed in landfill in Australia each year is enough to cover Tasmania nearly 4 times over, it makes sense, it's time for a good sort.